The Centre d’innovation Gilles Soucy: Catalyzing Creativity For Over A Year

Centre d innovation Gilles Soucy catalyse la creativite

New ideas are what drive our team at the Centre d’innovation Gilles Soucy! Since it was founded in June 2021, its mission has been to meet the needs of customers by improving products and leveraging cutting-edge technologies. The ultimate goal: to increase the number of customers who adopt our products. In other words, it is a testament to both our visionary spirit and our down-to-earth mindset!

Our team of innovators includes employees from our various Soucy subsidiaries as well as collaborators. During the selection process, candidates were given the opportunity to demonstrate how they would solve a particular challenge. That’s how we were able to target the most creative minds to assemble our very first team!

Our passionate people:

  • Perpetuate a culture of innovation first instilled by our founder Gilles Soucy
  • Guide the company to future opportunities
  • Catalyze the creativity of the entire group to serve our clients

The Centre d’innovation Gilles Soucy is currently focused on projects related to the agricultural, industrial, and motorsports sectors. We’re extremely proud to have worked on myriad projects that are constantly evolving. Some of them involve:

  • Agricultural robots
  • 3D printing materials that reduce energy consumption
  • Systems that reduce soil damage

Together, we can go further and achieve great things.