Notice of User
Last updated: July 12, 2024
This list is provided in compliance with the virtual patent marking provisions of 35 USC 287(a).
This list associates products by Product Name, with patent applications (“patent pending”), patent publications, and/or issued patents (herein referred to as “property” or "properties") and is posted on the Internet at this address corresponding to the patent notice provided on the products to give notice to the public of the properties listed. There is no charge for accessing this publically available information at this address.
Patents on this list may claim a system, an assembly, or other combinations of components (“system patent”) may include a VPM URL on each or many of the components in the claimed system even though the specific components may not be separately or individually patented. Such marking of the components is done in the interest of providing notice of the relevant system patent to the public.
To find properties on this list, use the product name and/or product code identifying the product and locate it on the list. Some product names and/or product codes may not be associated with a corresponding property. If a product is not specifically identified on this list, it may not be currently virtually marked or may not have a property associated with it. Check the product, its associated packaging, literature, and/or a corresponding label for other patent marking such as “patent pending” or one or more specific patent numbers.
The patent process is dynamic and the content of this list and association between products and properties may change due to circumstances including, but not limited to: patent application filing, application publication, patent issuance, licensing, product changes, patent expiration, abandonment of an application or patent, litigation, and other circumstances. The content of this list is updated from time to time but may not be up to date at the specific time you visit this address. Please visit this address for updates. Patent applications may be pending or published and patents may have issued in the United States and elsewhere, which are not identified on this list.
This list may be unavailable from time to time without notice as part of maintenance and/or an unintended outage. Efforts will be made to maintain this page substantially continuously active. This list may not be all-inclusive and other products not listed here may be associated with one or more properties in the United States or elsewhere. If a product is not provided on this list, the list should not be construed to represent that there is no property associated with the product. Absence of any property from this list does not prevent nor limit enforcing all legal rights associated with the property.
If you have any questions about this list, please contact Soucy at (1) 819-474-9008.